30-12-2024 23:57
Robin IsakssonHi! This one i have hard to find anything on. Does
31-12-2024 15:12
Bernard CLESSEBonjour à toutes et à tous,Pourriez-vous me conf
29-12-2024 23:32
ruiz Jose antonioHola a todos, de tamaño de unos 3 mm, algunas par
29-12-2024 09:42
Marc DetollenaereAnyone familiar with these starlike hyphomycetes?O
28-12-2024 18:20
Filip FuljerDear all,today (28 Dec. 2024), I discovered some s
Interesting orange asco on grimmia
Robin Isaksson,
30-12-2024 23:57
Does anyone know it? Macropicture 0.5mm / micro 10um.
Spores first aseptate, later 3-septate.
16-19 x 4-4.5 um, smooth, young with many droppets, older with bigger and few.
Asci 8 spores, 77-89 x 10-11, iki + blue.
Apothecia orange, 0,31 - 0,51 mm.
I can take more pictures if needed.
Best regards
Hans-Otto Baral,
31-12-2024 10:03
Re : Interesting orange asco on grimmia
Interesting! Any obs. on the excipulum? The amyloid ring looks a bit like everted, do you have more photos, especially of younger asci?
Hans-Otto Baral,
31-12-2024 12:03
Re : Interesting orange asco on grimmia
I see a large apothecium and a very small immature one. Surely this is helotialean.
Robin Isaksson,
31-12-2024 12:31
Hans-Otto Baral,
31-12-2024 17:20
Re : Interesting orange asco on grimmia
Now it is clearly Calycina-Type. After this I wonder about the croziers. A relationship with "Bryoscyphus" could be possible but then I would expect crystals in the medulla.
Robin Isaksson,
02-01-2025 10:49
Re : Interesting orange asco on grimmia
Dear zotto,
Take it as unfavourable coincidence or as incompetence, but i cant comfirm if it has croziers or not. have have made severel cuts and dont se it, its mostly a goo and when trying to seperate it gently it mashed.
but its no crystals that i can see.
ad spores in Crb.
Take it as unfavourable coincidence or as incompetence, but i cant comfirm if it has croziers or not. have have made severel cuts and dont se it, its mostly a goo and when trying to seperate it gently it mashed.
but its no crystals that i can see.
ad spores in Crb.
Hans-Otto Baral,
02-01-2025 11:01
Re : Interesting orange asco on grimmia
O.k. Another riddle for the future...