05-01-2025 15:38
Adam PolhorskýHello, can anyone provide this work? Samuels GJ (
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Lit. request: Samuels GJ (1976a)A revision of the fungi formerly classified as Nectria subgenus Hyphonectria
Adam Polhorský,
05-01-2025 15:38
Hello, can anyone provide this work?
Samuels GJ (1976a). A revision of the fungi formerly classified as Nectria
subgenus Hyphonectria. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
26: 1–126.
subgenus Hyphonectria. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
26: 1–126.
I only need descr and illu of Hydropisphaera suffulta. Not sure which pages.
Thank you!
Eduard Osieck,
06-01-2025 11:16
Re : Lit. request: Samuels GJ (1976a)A revision of the fungi formerly classified as Nectria subgenus Hyphonectria
I can provide part of this paper: up to page 100 including the wanted species description on page 52 (see contents page). The quality is not so good but readable. I will send it asap. Eduard
I can provide part of this paper: up to page 100 including the wanted species description on page 52 (see contents page). The quality is not so good but readable. I will send it asap. Eduard
Adam Polhorský,
06-01-2025 12:28
Re : Lit. request: Samuels GJ (1976a)A revision of the fungi formerly classified as Nectria subgenus Hyphonectria
Thank you Eduard,
That is perfect!
lowen roz,
07-01-2025 16:17
Re : Lit. request: Samuels GJ (1976a)A revision of the fungi formerly classified as Nectria subgenus Hyphonectria
I have that journal. There is a few page description of Nectria suffulta, pp. 52-56. Is this ultimately Hydropispheria, the description that you need? If so I will photograph the pages and send them to you. It is grouped under the Nectria peziza group. Would you send your email address?
Adam Polhorský,
07-01-2025 16:49
Re : Lit. request: Samuels GJ (1976a)A revision of the fungi formerly classified as Nectria subgenus Hyphonectria
Hi Roz, it is not necessary anymore, Eduard sent me the article. Thank you for the willingness,