14-02-2025 20:15
Hello! Another species found in the same place as

14-02-2025 19:15
Hello!I am trying to identify some of the unidenti

14-02-2025 18:31

Here’s an interesting unidentified ascomycete I

14-02-2025 16:00

during a workshop on corticiaceous fungi this was

13-02-2025 07:41
first time I encounter it. I didn't expect to see

14-02-2025 12:57
Gernot FriebesHello,we are looking for ideas regarding this pyre

14-02-2025 00:22

On 6 february 2025 i stumbled upon a leafspot on P

13-02-2025 22:39
Yanick BOULANGERBonsoirPetits périthèces noirs d'environ 0.5 mm
Lasiobelonium (?) sur Rubus sp
Louis DENY,
09-12-2024 11:26
Sur tige morte de Rubus sp. Récolté à Belfort (Est de la France), altitude 450m, terrain acide. Diametre de 0,5mm. Couvert de poils bruns flexueux; réceptacle jaune vif. Spores 18-22 X 4,5µ, guttulées, 3 fois septées à maturité. Asques 100 -110 X 14µ, BB au Lugol, spores bisériées, Paraphyses à guttules dans la partie supérieure; Les poils me conduisent à Lasiobelonium, mais je ne vois rien qui colle vraiment, notamment du fait de l'habitat et de la couleur de l'hymenium,
Merci de votre aide
Hans-Otto Baral,
09-12-2024 12:14

Re : Lasiobelonium (?) sur Rubus sp
Cher Jacques!
I was waiting since a very long time for a new collection of this species. In 2002 I wrote an article about it based on collections from Montargis. The article is in German but I have an English translation.
Hans-Otto Baral,
09-12-2024 12:21

Re : Lasiobelonium (?) sur Rubus sp
How abundant is your collection. I would highly appreciate if someone would be interested to sequence it, because nothing is in GenBank. In the Estonian herbarium TAAM is a collection from Devonshire by Graddon made in 1984. Not sure if Kadri obtained a sequence (KL 85). My guess is that the species belongs to Pezizellaceae.
I am further unsure if the correct name is Tapesina or Velutaria griseovitellina, which seems to be a difficult nomenclatural question
Louis DENY,
09-12-2024 12:49
Re : Lasiobelonium (?) sur Rubus sp
Thanks for détermination !
I have one single cane of Rubus, with about 10 apos. Ready to ship to whom wants it.
I have one single cane of Rubus, with about 10 apos. Ready to ship to whom wants it.
Hans-Otto Baral,
09-12-2024 15:18

Re : Lasiobelonium (?) sur Rubus sp
Great thanks!
Sorry Luis for my weird address, but I am also sometimes called Otto after my father :-)
I will send you Kadri's address, she would be very happy.