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14-02-2025 23:15

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hy! Last one for today.How would you identify thi

14-02-2025 21:55

Alan Smith

hello there, this host is a dead stem of Chamerion

14-02-2025 20:15

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hello! Another species found in the same place as

14-02-2025 19:15

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hello!I am trying to identify some of the unidenti

14-02-2025 18:31

Francois Guay Francois Guay

Here’s an interesting unidentified ascomycete I

14-02-2025 16:00

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

during a workshop on corticiaceous fungi this was

13-02-2025 07:41

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

first time I encounter it. I didn't expect to see

14-02-2025 12:57

Gernot Friebes

Hello,we are looking for ideas regarding this pyre

14-02-2025 00:22

Jorian Eijkelboom Jorian Eijkelboom

On 6 february 2025 i stumbled upon a leafspot on P

13-02-2025 22:39


BonsoirPetits périthèces noirs d'environ 0.5 mm

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Tympanis on Pinus
Juuso Äikäs, 26-03-2024 17:14
These little black ascos were growing on a dead, decorticated branch attached to a fallen Pinus sylvestris trunk.

The primary spores appear to be first clavate inside the asci, then develop several septa, and finally split into thousands of secondary spores.

Could this perhaps be Tympanis confusa, or is it even possible to tell the species?
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  • message #78770
Josep Torres, 27-03-2024 09:42
Josep Torres
Re : Tympanis on Pinus
Hola Juuso.
Algo muy parecido a lo que nos muestras y sobre el mismo sustrato lo mandé a secuenciar y el resultado fue que se trataba de Tympanis pini NR_173027

Juuso Äikäs, 27-03-2024 17:15
Re : Tympanis on Pinus
Thanks for the suggestion Josep.

My finding didn't have those large globose spores, so I think this might be something different. 

I found the paper Reassessment of Tympanis based on types of ascospore germination
within asci, and Tympanis confusa is the only species that fits from the ones included in it. 

I did a few measurements and got 27.7 - 31.4 × 4.1 - 5.2 µm for the clavate/septate spores, 2.9 - 3.3 × 1.0 - 1.2 µm for the tiny ones and 93.4 - 96.1 × 16.5 - 22.4 µm for the asci.

The spores and asci are a bit wider than in the paper, but otherwise everything would seem to fit T. confusa. The study is half a century old though, so I don't know how relevant it is these days...
  • message #78781
Adam Polhorský, 27-03-2024 19:02
Re : Tympanis on Pinus
Hi Juuso, T. confusa is probably the only Tympanis growing on wood. Look here for more recent info
Juuso Äikäs, 28-03-2024 17:45
Re : Tympanis on Pinus
Thank you for the comment Adam. The only Tympanis growing on wood sounds interesting, but unfortunately I don't have access to the article.
Adam Polhorský, 28-03-2024 18:59
Re : Tympanis on Pinus
Sci-Hub should have the article
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 29-03-2024 09:31
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : Tympanis on Pinus
Hello together,
fijst: I would also like ito receive the file!
T. confusa the only Tympanis species on wood? Do you mean on decorticated wood, without any bark on it? Then I can agree. Otherwiese Tympanis conspersa on Malus, Sorbus etc. is one and not the only example for Tympanis species growing on woody substrates.
Yours, Lothar
Adam Polhorský, 29-03-2024 17:30
Re : Tympanis on Pinus
Lothar, yes I should've been more clear. On decorticated xeric wood. This species seems to be consistent in it. Other species grow on corticated branches.

Please try sci-hub, if it doesnt work, Ill send it to both of you.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 29-03-2024 17:40
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : Tympanis on Pinus
thank you, Adam! - 
And: I received the file from Juuso in the meantime.