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24-04-2024 21:54


Bonjour, J'ai trouvé ce Lasiobolus sur laissées

23-04-2024 15:18

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

... but likely a basidiomycete. I hope it is o.k.

23-04-2024 13:17

Edouard Evangelisti Edouard Evangelisti

Bonjour à tous, Je viens de récolter ce que je

23-04-2024 21:49

Ethan Crenson

Hello all, A friend recently found this orange as

22-04-2024 11:52

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I made a loan of a collection of Microstoma

11-01-2022 16:36

Jason Karakehian Jason Karakehian

Hi does anyone have a digital copy of Raitviir A (

22-04-2024 08:54

Rafael Cabral

Bonjour à toutes et tous, Quelqu'un pourrait-il

22-04-2024 20:38

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good afternoon.Does anyone know this anamorph?It g

21-04-2024 14:29

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Genus Brunnipila: Distinct macro and habitat,

19-04-2024 14:28

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

Cudoniella tenuispora: Distinctive macro and habit

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Who was Mr. Michel?
Viktorie Halasu, 23-05-2017 21:06
Viktorie HalasuHello forum,

Boudier dedicated his Galactinia michelii to certain Mr. Michel, with whom he collected it repeatedly. I would like to know something about the dédiée, was he mycologist or amateur naturalist or ...? So far I didn't find anything due to lack of the dates of his life, to my nonexistent knowledge of french and also because this surname is obviously one of the more common ones. Would anyone have any informations about him? 

Thank you.
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová), 23-05-2017 21:20
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)
Re : Who was Mr. Michel?
Hello Tori,
Klán writes following about P.A. Micheli: Micheli venoval houbám zvláštní pozornost jako celku vedle mechu, rostlin a lišejníku. Zavedl rodová jména Aspergillus, Botrytis a Mucor. Z makromycetu pojmenoval Clathrus, Geaster a Polyporus. Všechny tyto rodové názvy se dosud používají. Micheliho výzkumy provázela touha objevit v houbách kvety a semena. Kvety nenašel :-), ale ve všech druzích hub, s kterými pracoval, nalezl "semena", tedy výtrusy. Radou opakovaných experimentu prokázal, jak houby vznikají a rostou. Pro tyto pokusy použil výtrusy žampionu (nebo bedly?), mikromycetu Botrytis, Aspergillus a Mucor. Výtrusy umístil na odumrelé listy stromu vedle cerstvých kousku melounu, kdoule a hrušky. Pokusy s mikroskopickými houbami byly úspešné a ze spor vyrostly stejné druhy jako puvodní. Stopkovýtrusá houba rostla pomaleji, ale presto se po nekolika mesících objevila plodnice. Micheli též pozoroval, že se výtrusy tvorí po ctyrech na bazídii, soucasne popsal i vrecka se dvema, tremi a ctyrmi bradavcitými sporami u lanýže, popsal i zpusob vyprazdnování vrecek, videl i cystidy na lupenech hnojníku.
Viktorie Halasu, 23-05-2017 21:25
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Who was Mr. Michel?
Hello François, 

I thought so as well (and its czech name is also often being derived from P.A.Micheli), but Boudier wrote in Icones: "Cette espèce parait rare, je l'ai trouvée, étant en compagnie de notre regrettée collègue, M. Michel, auquel je l'ai dediée, dans le forêt de Saint-Germain..." which I with google's help understood as "I found this apparently rare species in the company of our late collegue Mr. Michel, to whom I dedicate it, in the Saint-Germain forest...". Even if there is a typografic error (Michel instead of Micheli), if Boudier really means they collected it together then it can't be P.A.Micheli, since he died 90 years before Boudier was born. But perhaps my translation is wrong?

Icones, vol.4, p. 173:
François Valade, 23-05-2017 21:44
François Valade
Re : Who was Mr. Michel?
toutes mes excuses, je me suis trompé
Martin Bemmann, 24-05-2017 10:54
Martin Bemmann
Re : Who was Mr. Michel?
Dear Viktorie

it is (Philéas-)Auguste Michel of Carrières-sous-Bois, which is at the south-eastern border of the Saint-Germain forest. He was member of the Société Mycologique de France (see members directory in vol. 21, 1905 of the bulletin and earlier) and conducted forays in the Saint-Germain forest for the society. He was member of other societies as well from botany to astronomy.
In the members list of 1906 he does not show up anymore.

Viktorie Halasu, 24-05-2017 21:35
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Who was Mr. Michel?
Dear Martin,

thank you for your detective work!
