13-11-2024 08:01
Stephen MartinI am revising some old material again and I have t
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Ethan CrensonHello all, This weekend a friend found these dark
11-11-2024 23:17
B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat suggest Hyaloscyphaceae s.l.
09-11-2024 16:41
Stephen MartinHello everyone, we have recently published a paper
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Edouard EvangelistiBonjour le forum, Je sollicite votre avis concern
10-11-2024 19:47
B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat suggest Phaeohelotium, confi
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Juuso ÄikäsRecently I posted here my finding of small white a
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Yves AntoinetteBonjour, je pense qu'il peut s'agir de Trichoderma
Le Gal M (1959)
Hans-Otto Baral,
17-07-2024 10:53
I have a question about the scaling of illustrations in old works for which often only digital copies are avasilable.
Here it concerns
Le Gal M (1959) Discomycètes de Congo Belge d'après les récoltes de Madame Goossens-Fontana. Bull Jard bot État 29:73–132
Does someone have access to a printed version and can tell me the width of the print space?
I only have Le Gal's book about Madagascar for comparison: there the print space is 126 mm broad.
17-07-2024 16:09
Re : Le Gal M (1959)
I scan the booklet and you address it privately
Hans-Otto Baral,
17-07-2024 16:29
Re : Le Gal M (1959)
You must not scan it, it exists online. You only need to tell me the width of the text. I need a scale for Fig. 22 on p. 127. If you put a ruler of min. 5 cm length together with this page on the scanner, I can calculate the correct scale according to the magnification given in the caption.