19-01-2025 15:04
Vasileios KaounasSmaller than 1 millimeter in diameter, on a leaf f
19-01-2025 18:36
William SlosseGood evening everyone, on 16-01-2025 I found this
18-01-2025 01:04
Irmgard Krisai-GreilhuberGood evening, in an open oak forest in Burgenland
19-01-2025 16:05
Vasileios KaounasFound in soil, in road, forest Pinus halepensis.
17-01-2025 21:21
Marc DetollenaereDear Forum,On a nonidentified Myxo (Didymium?) I f
17-01-2025 17:20
David ChapadosHi, Would it be possible to find the species of t
17-01-2025 12:36
Enrique RubioDear friends.This fungus was growing on dead termi
Geopyxis sp.
Ralf Dahlheuser,
07-04-2024 13:00
I have this geopyxis on a fireplace? found. The fruit bodies are up to 5 mm in size. This size and spore dimensions differ from my previous Geopyxis carbonaria finds. Does anyone have a key to the genus, or can determine or narrow down the species?
Thank you.
07-04-2024 16:42
Re : Geopyxis sp.
Why such small pictures?
Uwe Lindemann,
07-04-2024 17:34
Re : Geopyxis sp.
Hi Ralf, it is most probably Tricharina praecox but in fact the pictures are very small. Best, Uwe
Ralf Dahlheuser,
07-04-2024 17:50
Re : Geopyxis sp.
I had to reduce the photos to 150 kb because otherwise I wouldn't be able to upload them. But Tricharina praecox fits perfectly.
Thank you
Thank you
Viktorie Halasu,
07-04-2024 21:17
Re : Geopyxis sp.
regarding the 150kB limit - lowering image quality (to ca. 90 %) allows you to keep bigger size. And large images can be uploaded as File instead - there won't be a thumbnail image, but the size limit is higher.
regarding the 150kB limit - lowering image quality (to ca. 90 %) allows you to keep bigger size. And large images can be uploaded as File instead - there won't be a thumbnail image, but the size limit is higher.
Ralf Dahlheuser,
08-04-2024 03:29
Re : Geopyxis sp.
Thank you very much Viktorie.
I will do it this way in the future.
I will do it this way in the future.