14-02-2025 20:15
Hello! Another species found in the same place as

14-02-2025 19:15
Hello!I am trying to identify some of the unidenti

14-02-2025 18:31

Here’s an interesting unidentified ascomycete I

14-02-2025 16:00

during a workshop on corticiaceous fungi this was

13-02-2025 07:41
first time I encounter it. I didn't expect to see

14-02-2025 12:57
Gernot FriebesHello,we are looking for ideas regarding this pyre

14-02-2025 00:22

On 6 february 2025 i stumbled upon a leafspot on P

13-02-2025 22:39
Yanick BOULANGERBonsoirPetits périthèces noirs d'environ 0.5 mm
indet. Rhytismatales on oak leaf - North Carolina, USA
Danny Newman,
25-11-2023 18:14

higher resolution images available at inaturalist.org/observations/179449419.
Trochila initially suspected, but microsocpy seems to contradict this.
Attempts at rehydration to open potentially hygroscopic apothecia was unsuccessful.
Stage micrometer was recently lost, and so sadly I have no measurements at this time.
Jason Karakehian,
26-11-2023 21:58
Re : indet. Rhytismatales on oak leaf - North Carolina, USA
Hi Danny, it is Rhytismatales - perhaps a Coccomyces or Hypoderma. Not sure if it isn't immature - I don't see spores floating around and the ones in the asci seem immature. You could try putting it in a moist chamber for 3-7 days and see if they open up.