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14-02-2025 23:15

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hy! Last one for today.How would you identify thi

14-02-2025 21:55

Alan Smith

hello there, this host is a dead stem of Chamerion

14-02-2025 20:15

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hello! Another species found in the same place as

14-02-2025 19:15

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hello!I am trying to identify some of the unidenti

14-02-2025 18:31

Francois Guay Francois Guay

Here’s an interesting unidentified ascomycete I

14-02-2025 16:00

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

during a workshop on corticiaceous fungi this was

13-02-2025 07:41

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

first time I encounter it. I didn't expect to see

14-02-2025 12:57

Gernot Friebes

Hello,we are looking for ideas regarding this pyre

14-02-2025 00:22

Jorian Eijkelboom Jorian Eijkelboom

On 6 february 2025 i stumbled upon a leafspot on P

13-02-2025 22:39


BonsoirPetits périthèces noirs d'environ 0.5 mm

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indet. Rhytismatales on oak leaf - North Carolina, USA
Danny Newman, 25-11-2023 18:14
Danny Newman
higher resolution images available at

Trochila initially suspected, but microsocpy seems to contradict this.

Attempts at rehydration to open potentially hygroscopic apothecia was unsuccessful.

Stage micrometer was recently lost, and so sadly I have no measurements at this time.
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Jason Karakehian, 26-11-2023 21:58
Jason Karakehian
Re : indet. Rhytismatales on oak leaf - North Carolina, USA
Hi Danny, it is Rhytismatales - perhaps a Coccomyces or Hypoderma. Not sure if it isn't immature - I don't see spores floating around and the ones in the asci seem immature. You could try putting it in a moist chamber for 3-7 days and see if they open up.