04-10-2024 17:08
Birgit LüthjeI just found a very similar ascomycet on a heap of
03-10-2024 20:56
Margot en Geert VullingsThese orange discs were found in September on mois
01-10-2024 17:02
B Shelbourne• Habitat and macro suggest Chlorociboria.• P
01-10-2024 16:15
Lothar Krieglsteiner.. on deciduous twig, on and near old specimens of
08-09-2024 21:31
B Shelbourne• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut
26-09-2024 17:25
Hans-Otto BaralDoes someone have a pdf of this paper? I have it
literature search
Stoykov Dimitar,
10-11-2023 12:59
I am looking for the description and illustration (if present) about Sphaeria quercina Pers.
maybe under the genus name Diatrypella Ces. & de not.,
in Schema di classificazione degli sferiacei italici aschigeri: più o meno appartenenti al genere Sphaeria nell'antico significato attribuitogli da Persoon (1863), on page 28.
Tnank You in advance!
Stoykov Dimitar,
10-11-2023 13:16
Re : literature search
Sorry, I have just found it on google books - on page 28.