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07-05-2024 00:04

Ethan Crenson

A friend found these black gelatnous cups on a twi

06-05-2024 10:02

François Bartholomeeusen

Good morning,At the end of an excursion in De Zegg

07-05-2024 19:26

Louis DENY

Bonsoir forum Sur tige de rubus fruticosus de l'a

06-05-2024 08:27

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola Buenos días.Alguno de ustedes tiene disponib

05-05-2024 12:55

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjour Peut on dire que les poils soient vitreux?

05-05-2024 09:59

Gernot Friebes

Hello,I failed to identify this anamorph, which gr

19-04-2015 20:20

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi again Could you help me with this paper? NANN

30-04-2024 16:22

François Bartholomeeusen

Dear forum members,On April 25 2024, I found one f

03-05-2024 18:04

Riet van Oosten Riet van Oosten

Hello, Found by Laurens van der Linde on Rubus fr

02-05-2024 20:04


Bonjour, Une question à propos de la réaction a

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Help with identification
Simon Kennedy, 17-02-2014 21:54
Can anyone help with this small, (less than 1mm diameter) ascomycete.
  • message #27691
Hans-Otto Baral, 17-02-2014 22:09
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Help with identification
Is this mature or does it get more opened finally?

Is it on wood?

Simon Kennedy, 17-02-2014 22:36
Re : Help with identification
Yes, on the upper surface of what I think was Fagus.
Simon Kennedy, 17-02-2014 22:37
Re : Help with identification
Sorry, I missed the first part of your question!  It does open up more, most definitely, but they do not appear to flatten out, I think that they remain cup-shaped, rather than discoid.
Hans-Otto Baral, 17-02-2014 23:40
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Help with identification
Do you have a microscope? It could be something around Hyphodiscus, but maybe I am wrong. Photos or sketches of the hairs and the hymenial elements would be necessary.

Miguel Ángel Ribes, 18-02-2014 08:40
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re : Help with identification
It reminds me Trichopeziza viridula.

Miguel Á. Ribes
Simon Kennedy, 18-02-2014 08:42
Re : Help with identification
Many thanks, Zotto. I will try again with the microscope, with Hyphodiscus in mind, and try to discern both hyphal elements and hairs. I am hoping that the materialwill have ripened a bit. Any charcacters of the hairs on the outside a difficult to see, at least for me. Hyphodiscus?
Simon Kennedy, 18-02-2014 18:53
Re : Help with identification
Thanks, Miguel, I will try and get some more, microscopic, information. Does anyone know where I can start keying it out?
Martin Bemmann, 18-02-2014 21:23
Martin Bemmann
Re : Help with identification
Hi Simon,
I think the right question is, "when can I start keying out?"
You should try a median section with a rasor blade through an apothecium and document its elements in water (asci, spores, paraphyses, hairs). Then add a drop of iodine to the rim of the cover slide and let it soak in to see a possible reaction of the apical apparatus of the asci. After recording of measurements of all the elements mentioned (before adding iodine), then you start keying. Otherwise you will be hampered to answer the questions asked in the keys.

Good luck!