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06-05-2024 10:02

François Bartholomeeusen

Good morning,At the end of an excursion in De Zegg

07-05-2024 00:04

Ethan Crenson

A friend found these black gelatnous cups on a twi

07-05-2024 19:26

Louis DENY

Bonsoir forum Sur tige de rubus fruticosus de l'a

06-05-2024 08:27

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola Buenos días.Alguno de ustedes tiene disponib

05-05-2024 12:55

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjour Peut on dire que les poils soient vitreux?

05-05-2024 09:59

Gernot Friebes

Hello,I failed to identify this anamorph, which gr

19-04-2015 20:20

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi again Could you help me with this paper? NANN

30-04-2024 16:22

François Bartholomeeusen

Dear forum members,On April 25 2024, I found one f

03-05-2024 18:04

Riet van Oosten Riet van Oosten

Hello, Found by Laurens van der Linde on Rubus fr

02-05-2024 20:04


Bonjour, Une question à propos de la réaction a

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marcelleina key?
DirkW, 02-11-2010 18:14
DirkWsalut a tout,

i have problems here with a marcelleina. the ornamentation is very similar to that of lamprospora seaveri ...
could anybody send me an actual key of marcelleina? i only have nordic macromycetes and ellis for this genus and i am not aware of the contemporary number of europaen taxas.

best to all
Björn Wergen, 02-11-2010 18:35
Björn Wergen
Re:marcelleina key?
That is maybe M. rickii, if there is a complete reticulum, perhaps you can send me your finding via email ;)

Many thanks,
DirkW, 02-11-2010 19:14
Re:marcelleina key?
hi kazuya,

rickii should have an incomplete reticulum, if i remember right. sorry, i cant send you images. unfortunately the interesting collection (only one very small apo, found by someone else on a seminar) got lost. i only saw it makro- und mikroscopic one time ...
but a key with actual taxa (mediterranae etc,) would help ...

viele grüße
René Dougoud, 02-11-2010 21:31
Re:marcelleina key?
Cher Collègue,

M. persoonii (H. & P. Crouan) Brummelen possède des ascospores avec un réticulum presque complet. Je vous adresse la clé du genre Marcelleina, proposée par Moravec, demain.


DirkW, 03-11-2010 11:27
Re:marcelleina key?
cher rené,

thank you so much! this is very helpful to me, especially les planches de dessins! according to this, it has to be persoonii in the sense of moravec ...

2010 a new taxa was described in mycotaxon (januar - februar) by Lantieri, Angela; Pfister, Donald H.!: "Marcelleina mediterranea is described as a new species and is illustrated. It occurs on sandy soil among scattered mosses, in Southeast Sicily (Italy). It differs from other species in size and ornamentation of ascospores. Its ecology and taxonomical relationships are examined."

i will try to get the article as soon as possible ...

schöne grüße
