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19-01-2016 18:31

Chris Johnson

Hi AllThis was found in small linear groups on glu

19-01-2016 02:47

Chris Yeates Chris Yeates

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Chris Johnson, 19-01-2016 18:31
Hi All

This was found in small linear groups on glumes of Ammophila arenaria.
Pycnidia 300 x 200 µm. contain a mass of conidia but no asci.
Conidia 1-septate, 10.5-16.1 x 3.0-3.7 µm.

Sutton, 1980, notes: "Asteromella species are generally regarded as the microconidial or spermogonial states of Mycospaerella species."

Am I in the right area with this and can anyone take this further?

Many thanks and regards, Chris

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