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18-11-2011 19:13

Gernot Friebes

Hi,once again I am searching for some literature.

25-11-2011 18:54


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« < 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 > »
Gernot Friebes, 18-11-2011 19:13

once again I am searching for some literature. These are not easy to get but I hope that you can help me. :)

-) Maharashtra Vidnyan Mandir, Patrika 7(1-2): p. 63 (1972) (description of Herpotrichiella martyniae). Rao.

-) Botaniska Notiser ?: p. 258 (1897) (?description of Pyrenophora delicatula). Author?

-) Jahreskatalog der Wiener Kryptogamen-Tauschanstalt: p. 3 (1897) (description of Pyrenophora delicatula). Diagnoses micromycetum premissae. Vestergren.

-) Pyrenomyceter (Ascomyceter) på Salix i Troms: p. 126 (1985) (description of Herpotrichiella collapsa). Mathiassen.

Best wishes,

Uwe Lindemann, 18-11-2011 22:16
Uwe Lindemann
Re : Literature
Hi Gernot,
Herpotrichiella collapsa is in G. Mathiassen: Some corticolous and lignicolous Pyrenomycetesn s. lat (Ascomycetes) on Salix in Troms, N Norway = Sommerfeltia 9 (1989), p.51-54 described as sp. nov. I can make tomorrow a scan of it and send it to you by e-mail.
Best, Uwe
Gernot Friebes, 18-11-2011 22:56
Re : Literature
Hi Uwe,

yes, but Index Fungorum says that this name is published both in "Pyrenomyceter (Ascomyceter) på Salix i Troms" and Sommerfeltia 9, so I'd need the description published in the first publication (I already have the Sommerfeltia). Here is what Index Fungorum says:

Thanks anyway!

Best wishes,

Uwe Lindemann, 18-11-2011 23:14
Uwe Lindemann
Re : Literature
For me it sounds a little bit strange that he published the same species two times as sp. nov.
Best, Uwe?
Peter Welt, 18-11-2011 23:35
Peter Welt
Re : Literature
Das ist vielleicht eine Diplom oder Doktorarbeit, Gernnot?

Mathiassen, G. (1985) Pyrenomyceter (Ascomyceter) på Salix i Troms 205 pp. Høsten: Universiteti Tromsø.  So stehts im Speciesfungorum

Gruß Peter
Gernot Friebes, 18-11-2011 23:57
Re : Literature
@Uwe: It really seems strange and that's why I'm searching for this publication. When Barr combined H. collapsa to Capronia, she gave the article in Sommerfeltia as a basionym.

@Peter: Nein, noch für rein private Zwecke. :) MycoBank also gives "Pyrenomyceter (Ascomyceter) på Salix i Troms (1985)" for H. collapsa.

Best wishes,

Peter Welt, 19-11-2011 00:39
Peter Welt
Re : Literature
Ich habe die Arbeit von Mathiassen gemeint, lieber Ösi. Da schreibt man schon Deutsch und er versteht es nicht ;-)

Gruß Peter
Gernot Friebes, 19-11-2011 11:22
Re : Literature
ach so, wahr wohl schon zu spät gestern. :-) Mit der Diplom- oder Doktorarbeit könntest aber recht haben. On his homepage I found this citation: "Mathiassen G, 1985: Pyrenomyceter (Ascomyceter) på Salix i Troms. Hovedfag-soppgave (Cand. real.), Universitetet i Tromsø. Unpublished." It seems that this work is unpublished and was for achieving the Candidatus realium.

Best wishes,


Uwe Lindemann, 19-11-2011 13:25
Uwe Lindemann
Re : Literature
Hi Gernot, hi Peter,
if the first study is not offically published, then the new description shouldn't be valid. If this is true I understand why Mathiassen published the species a second time, now valid. On the other hand I don't understand the entry in the Index Fungorum because the second study should be then authorative. I am mistaken or is the situation more complicated?
Best, Uwe
Gernot Friebes, 19-11-2011 14:28
Re : Literature
Hi Uwe,

I don't unterstand this either. I'll try to contact Mathiassen and let you know if there are some news.

Best wishes,

Eric Strittmatter, 19-11-2011 19:28
Re : Literature

voilà le second (Vestergren - Anteckningar till sveriges ascomycet-flora).

Gernot Friebes, 19-11-2011 19:57
Re : Literature
vielen Dank, Eric!

Ridha EL MOKNI, 24-11-2011 10:01
some Mushrooms Literature for Tunisia!
Good morning every body,

I am looking for some literature. These are not easy to get but I hope that you can help me.
I tried my best to access to these papers but it was not possible till now,I count on your help and encouragement to do it,

1- LE GAL Marcelle - Quelques Discomycètes de Tunisie. -   1952, p. 7 à 16 - mycologie, flore mycologique, discomycètes, tunisie,   kroumirie- 5 fig. -   Saisie : Jean TIMBAL Art.   n°18234.

2- MALENCON Georges -   Contribution à l'étude des champignons de la Kroumirie. -   1952, p. 33 à 52 - mycologie, flore mycologique, kroumirie, tunisie,   localité - 2 pl. - Saisie   : Jean TIMBAL Art.   n°18229.

the two papers belong to one of the following Bulletins:

Bulletin de la Société   Botanique de France, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. (1904), Tome 99 - Fascicule 7-9 - 1952 -

Bulletin de la   Société Botanique de France, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. (1904), Tome 99 - Fascicule 4-6 - 1952 -

Bulletin de la Société   Botanique de France, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. (1904), Tome 99 - Fascicule 1-3 - 1952 -

3- Énumération des champignons observés en Tunisie par   Narcisse Patouillard/ Paris : Imprimerie Nationale ,   1892.

4- Illustrations des espèces nouvelles, rares ou   critiques de champignons de la Tunisie par Nrarcisse Patouillard / Paris : Impr. nationale ,   1892-1895.

5 -Additions au Catalogue des champignons de Tunisie par N.   Patouillard / Paris : Impr. nationale , 1909.

Best Wishs

Ridha El Mokni

Beñat Jeannerot, 24-11-2011 22:14
Beñat Jeannerot
Re : Literature
Adio Ridha,

The first, by mail.

Gernot Friebes, 29-11-2011 23:48
Re : Literature

Geir Mathiassen confirmed that the correct basionym is "Herpotrichiella collapsa Math., Sommerfeltia 9: 51 (1989)", so Index Fungorum and MycoBank are wrong in this case.

Best wishes,
